Spring Events: Pitfalls and Possibilities

Spring events

Spring is finally in full bloom and summer is just around the corner. It’s time for spring events, gatherings, parties and ceremonies! People love to plan events in spring because it is usually a comfortable temperature and, when the weather cooperates, you can truly appreciate the beauty of nature after a long winter. There are both positive and negative possibilities for spring events.


There are many gatherings that are just traditionally held in spring like first communions, confirmations, and  quinceaneras. Also, who doesn’t love a spring wedding?! Spring is perfect for a mother’s day garden party or an outdoor tea with your best friends. You may want to host the biggest easter egg hunt in your neighborhood with a delightful, relaxing space for the parents to rest their weary selves and enjoy some mimosas, coffee or mocktails.

You can also start your own spring tradition as a business owner. Everyone’s staff and employees are a bit tired and melancholy after the mediocre grey winter. Why not plan an event to re-energize and inspire? Build corporate comradery with an annual spring fling full of fruity cocktails and fragrant flowers!

Beautiful Scenery

A spring event doesn’t even need a theme because spring is so beautiful in and of itself. Elegant spring flowers like lilacs, tulips, lillys, daffodils and more give you a spread of colors to coordinate. More often, people are using sprays of multicolor wildflowers all over an event space. You could even use dandelions for a smaller gathering with pops of yellow everywhere!

Waterfront locations become a possible event space in the spring. An oceanside, lakeside or riverfront view can be amazing atmosphere and have you dreaming of blues and greens for a soothing, aquatic, color palette.

Even though spring provides the perfect background for most of your photos; don’t forget a spring themed photo backdrop for your guests to take selfies and group photos at! There are many event planners that specialize in gorgeous floral and greenery backdrops for those social media posts….#perfectspringparty.

Perfect Weather

When the skies are blue, the birds are chirping and the weather is a perfect sunny and 70 degrees with no wind; your event is sure to be a hit. You can try to plan for these best days when you are a year or months out with the farmers almanac and the National weather service’s records of what the weather was like that day for the past 50 years. We can’t predict the weather but we can do our best with probability. 

Love is in the Air

There is just something about spring that, in the words of Thumper from the movie Bambi, gets everyone “twitterpated”. The renewal, rebirth, warm weather and decrease of clothing layers all combine to be the driving force of romantic feelings and fragrant air. Perhaps this is why spring is a favored time for weddings and proms.

When the Weather Won’t Cooperate

There is little more upsetting than planning a huge spring event and having torrential downpours. Even an all day, gray, drizzle can quickly diffuse a good time. People don’t want to stand around in miserable weather and pretend they aren’t upset about their hair, makeup and clothes. There’s also the added problem of having a mud pit if it was rainy for days before your event. You can do your best to plan for this by hiring an event coordinator to worry about it or creating your own contingency plan. You want to make sure your guests know ahead of time that there will be an indoor alternative so they still show up. You can also plan a “rain date” in some circumstances. 

Wind is a lesser, thought of problem. This can be a huge issue at waterfront events. If you don’t plan for wind, your tablescape can blow right away before your guests even see it. Forget elaborate hairstyles and flowy shorter skirts that could give your guests unintended “Marilyn Monroe over the grate” photos. You can prepare for this issue by reminding your guests to come in more casual attire for a bohemian vibe. You can prepare to secure your tables with tablecloth clips and decorative paperweights. Or, you can hire an event planner to troubleshoot it all!

You Can Pull it Off

Spring is a great time of year to host an intimate or large event, even with the weather challenges. If your heart is set on spring, don’t let the weather scare you! Hire an event planner to help navigate outdoor to indoor possibilities, tents and more. Your spring event idea is worth it!